What is VITA?
VITA is Salina's free Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program, located at Salina Area United Way's office.
VITA services are for moderate and low-income individuals and families (generally $56,000 annual income and below). VITA's IRS-certified volunteers can complete basic federal and Kansas tax returns, including figuring Earned income and Homestead tax credits. Clients can pick up forms in the organization's lobby to get the process started. Clients may complete the Intake Form at the site or at home.
Once each client’s identity is confirmed, volunteers will make photocopies and safely store them with the required tax return documents in a secure space, complete the individual’s tax return and phone him or her with further instructions. Clients then will return to the VITA office, review and sign their returns, and retrieve all personal documents. VITA volunteers will electronically file each return with the Internal Revenue Service.
No appointments are needed. First come, first served!