2024 Salina Area United Way Grant Applications

Make A Difference Grant Application


The purpose of Make A Difference Grants is to be responsive to community needs and providing funding for programs that make a difference in our local communities.



1. Download the Make A Difference Grant Policy and Application HERE

2. Complete the application (incomplete applications will not be accepted - do not leave blanks, enter N/A if not applicable) 

3. Email completed application for your organization to Cami Dinkel at Cami@unitedwaysalina.org 


APPLICATION DEADLINE: 2024 Make A Difference Grants are currently not open.

If you have any questions on the application process or about Make A Difference Grants, please email Cami Dinkel, our Director of Marketing and Grants, at cami@unitedwaysalina.org. Let's continue to Strengthen Our Community!


Early Childcare Initiative Grant Application

The purpose of the Early Childcare Initiative Grant is to fund identified community needs for childcare centers. Funding is to be used to supplement the wage gap, bumping the hourly rate up as close to $15 per hour (Teachers' Assistants) and $18 per hour (Lead Teachers) as possible.




1. Download the Early Childcare Initiative Grant Policy and Application HERE

2. Complete the application (incomplete applications will not be accepted - do not leave blanks, enter N/A if not applicable) 

3. Email completed application for your organization to Christina Small at christina@unitedwaysalina.org 


APPLICATION DEADLINE: February 16, 2024 at 12:00PM (CST)

If you have any questions on the application process or about the Early Childcare Initiative Fund and/org Grant, please email Christina Small, our Early Childcare Initiative Director, at christina@unitedwaysalina.org. Let's continue to Strengthen Our Community!